The Story of Thomas Salzano is an oldy but a goody. Born in Rochester New York in 1953. The Salzano's were a prevelant family of Prodestant faith. Dad worked for the phone company until his early death in 1973. Mom was in textiles and worked to put food on the table,or should I say, in our belly's. My brothers (Michael and Terrance) and I each felt responsible for taking care of my mother. It was during this time in our lives that we became inseparable. Michael Salzano and Terrance Salzano are my best friends. My only friend outside the Salzano house was Gwomer, a nickname which stuck his entire life. Gwomer and I terrorized the nieghborhood and local attractions until, well, until we met Sally. Sally was our first female friend who later became Gwomer's wife. At Gwomer's wedding I was paired to walk down the aisle with one of Sally's friends from school. Her name was Patricia. She was breathtaking. It took only a few shots of tequila to get thecourage to ask her to dance. We danced the entire weekend. As a product our our dancing came the twins. Born 9 months later, Daniel and Peter were perfect. Patricia and I have been married for 19 years and it only gets better. To be continued...