Welcome to my Thomas Salzano website! Please excuse the appearance while I re-work this page.
Update: 2/24/04
Nothing new to report, work is going well. Patricia and the kids are doing well also.
With my 50th Birthday just around the corner, I am asking suggestions about where we should hold the big event. Think abstractly, and maybe we will come up with something. In order for me to plan this, I would have to admit that it is indeed my 50th Birthday...grrr..Well, I will be in touch soon.
P.S. Steve- its your 50th too!!
Well it feels as though the holiday season has just ended and already Patricia and I are off to the Cayman Islands again. Maybe this well,we will not be visited by a Hurricane like '99. Hopefully, this Valentine's Day will be better than our honeymoon. (Oh no, I am in the dog house tonight.) So where are you all gonna be for V-day this year? The Salzano's are going to Cayman, want to come? Call me this week or it will be too late to make arrangements. Talk to you soon. |